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In-Kone® implant driver wrenches, 3.0 Implant, implant driver wrenches, twinKon® implant driver wrenches, Surgical torque wrench


Implant driver wrenches for the In-Kone® implant system

In-Kone®Implant driver wrenches

The screw mandrels for the implants are available in long and short versions, manual and contra-angle. They have a visible 1.5 mm black band used to confirm that the instrument has been fully inserted in the implant connection and then to visualise the infracrestal siting of the implant shoulder when the implant is being screwed into the bone.]
3.0 Implant driver wrenches for the 3.0 implant system

3.0 Implant, implant driver wrendhes

Screw mandrels for the implants are available in manual and contra-angle versions. They have a 2 mm black band used to confirm that the instrument has been fully inserted in the implant connection and then to visualise the infracrestal siting of the implant shoulder when the implant is being screwed into the bone.
Implant driver wrenches for the twinKon®4 implant system

TwinKon® implant driver wrenches

Screw mandrels for the implants are available in long and short versions, manual and contra-angle. The red O-ring ensures a tight fit between the wrench and implant driver.

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