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Planification and Guided Surgery

Banner_Formazione in implantologia - Iniziazione

Who should attend?

Any dental surgeon with a theoretical background in implantology and interested in planning and guided surgery.
Theoretical and practical objectives:
  • Master open and free implant planning softwares,
  • Reduce the cost of guided surgery,
  • Optimize implant treatments: facilitate surgery, simplify prosthetic rehabilitation.


Formatione_Dr Bezu

Dr. Franck BEZU

Dr. Franck BEZU

  • Practice dedicated to implantology, guided surgery and global rehabilitation
  • Co-founder of “Guided”: courses about guided surgery and open digital workflow
  • Speaker for post graduate courses about implantology and CAD/CAM


Dr. Benjamin FITOUCHI

  • Practice dedicated to implantology, guided surgery and global rehabilitation
  • Teaching assistant in Oral surgery and Implantology service (University of Lyon)
  • Co-founder of “Guided”: courses about guided surgery and open digital workfl ow
  • Speaker for post graduate courses about implantology and CAD/CAM

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