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Customised bone-supported distractor

Distracteur à appuis osseux

What is this thing? A new generation of artificial intelligence machines? An electronic space-time phenomenon? Actually no. It’s a customised palatine distractor!

Let’s start at the beginning…

We should start by saying that it is a medical device used for palatine expansion, with or without surgical assistance.


Why is a distractor making headlines?

SLS France, manufacturer and developer of 3D printed medical devices, has developed one of the first customised models.

The innovation lies in its design and manufacture, which are adapted to the patient’s anatomy, based on 3D planning on DICOM and an optical impression.

This solution, marketed by Global D since February 2021, is the fruit of a strong collaboration between our two companies.


How does this medical device differ from a conventional palatine distractor?

The bone-supported distractor is a customised device, 100% digitally designed, in a single piece and weld-free; in short, it is suitable for everyone, resistant and easy to put in place.

A conventional distractor is supported by the teeth, but the digitally-designed distractor is proposed in a bone-supported version.

It moulds the shape of the palate and is secured by osteosynthesis screws, which are kept away from the suture, avoiding all risk of interference with the dental roots.

This tool ensures additional comfort for the patient, being perfectly adapted to their anatomy.

The customised solution even goes a step further, by proposing two types of materials, notably for patients suffering from allergies.


So far, this product has nothing but advantages: customisation, comfort and safety for the patient! But what do practitioners say about it?

They are full of compliments, which is good to hear! According to feedback from the first cases, placement has proved to be easy, quick and adapts to the patient’s mouth in every way.

To sum up, this device means more comfort for the patient by adapting to their anatomy, as well as easy placement and a shorter operating time for the surgeon.

Advantages for everyone!


So, this product ticks all the boxes… And what’s more, its fixture is compatible with the 2mm diameter Ortrautek osteosynthesis screws from our Ortrautek range… Convinced?


  • Find out more about our digital “distractor” solution

Read our interview with Hajer CHENTI, maxillofacial surgery product manager at Global D.

Find out more and test the bone-supported distractor for yourself with our experts at our stand (M26) at the Journées de l’Orthodontie event.

The first customised bone-supported distractor was placed by Dr François Salles at the Hôpital Européen (Marseille, March 2021).

Pose du 1er cas de distracteur personnalisé à appuis osseux
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Customised, 100% digital, one-piece, weld-free