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EAO 2024


The 31st EAO Congress will be held in Milan, Italy, from 24 to 26 October 2024.

Meet the Global D team on Booth n°C50 at the MiCo – Milano Convention Centre – in Milan – Italy!


The theme of the EAO congress will be DETAILS MAKE PERFECTION, and the scientific committee has put together a stimulating programme structured around three daily themes.

These will focus on “The fundamentals”, “The state of the art – the certainties” and “Beyond the limits”.

The conference will bring together experts to discuss the latest evidence-based practices, with a strong focus on take-away techniques for everyday use in your clinic.

>>> Registration & Programme


Don’t miss our Workshop with Pr Petro FELICE and Dr Carlo BARAUSSE in Room Amber 8 on Friday 25 October from 1.45pm to 4.15pm.

Please note that this workshop is limited to 20 participants! To register:



Workshop with Pr Petro FELICE and Dr Carlo BARAUSSE

“4-mm-short implants in the rehabilitation of the atrophic jaws”

Short dental implants are used as an alternative to vertical bone augmentation procedures in the fixed rehabilitation of patients with atrophic jaws. Scientific literature reports that 4-mm-short implants can be an advantageous option, reducing rehabilitative times, post-operative morbidities and costs. The aim of this workshop is to guide the clinician through a correct and safe 4-mm-short implant placement and prosthetic rehabilitation, according to the right indications. Clinical- and evidence-based suggestions will be given in order to achieve predictable and stable results over time.



Dates: 24 to 26 October 2024

Venue: MiCo – Milano Convention Centre, Milan- Italy